Healthy eating is both simple and complicated at the same time, it’s about not eating when you’re not hungry. As with everything regarding health, your body tells you what it needs, you just need to learn to read the signals. The key word to healthy eating is fasting, and the easiest and most common way to practice it is intermittent fasting, that means you have multiple times where you just don’t eat and then you continue onward, this is an ongoing process all the time, for example when you eat at 6 PM and you go to bed at 10 PM, wake up at 7 AM but you’re not hungry so you eat again at 12 PM, that means you just did a 18 hour fast, that’s pretty good! The first thing you eat in the morning is called “breakfast”, you might’ve already asked yourself why it is called that but split the word up and you’ll understand, break-fast because what you are doing is breaking your fasting period during the night.

To do this you need to start resisting the temptation to eat sometimes even though your body seems to be hungry. In reality your body is just used to getting food at that certain time of day, or maybe even just because you’re bored so you want to do something, this is something you’ll most likely only do during the starting period of intermittent fasting since your body will quickly adjust to the new way of eating.

The second thing is you need to stop adhering to time schedules, that means stop thinking about eating as times during the day but rather as something you do when you are truly hungry, because every time that you don’t eat for long is time that your body has to repair itself. Digestion takes quite a lot of energy so when you don’t have to do it you’ll be capable to do much more and be much more flexible. That’s why athletes don’t eat before they perform, among other factors, it ensures that they have as much energy as possible available to the performance they’re trying to achieve.

One note though, when you start doing this, don’t do it with fast foods and other malnurished foods, eat a lot of nutrient-dense foods (foods that are high in animal fats in particular) because your body will need to sustain itself longer off of those foods than usually.

I hope this has been interesting to some of you. I’m quite unsure if I’m qualified to talk about these things but I tried to stick to the things that I know for a fact and that are mostly common-sense, if you notice anything wrong about this feel free to message me.