Today I want to talk about something that has happened to me before, and that will probably happen to me again. Getting used to your loved ones, wether that be your family members, or your girl/boy-friend. I noticed myself that once I’ve known them for a while I get used to them being here. I get used to their love, get used to the way they act, get used to the things that are special about them. And that’s what I think makes many relationships fail, because we only see the bad parts of it and we stop seeing what is actually good about another person. We see all those plentyfull bad thing, but never see the probably even more plentyfull good things. Which might just be the way they act around me, or the way they treat me. The way they talk to me, the way they’re always there for me. All I want to say is.. appreciate your loved ones, there will always be bad times but those are the times where we should remember the good times. Have a nice day :)