To me it’s insanely interesting how my consumption of media devices, such as my laptop (Raspberry Pi 4) changes when it can’t connect to a network. And I really like it. I use it much less, which shows me that most of the time I spend on it are either communication, or entertainment/infotainment and development. And much less actually creating or writing freely. Which is something that usually doesn’t need internet connection. But I use it much less, I would have all day to play with it, but I really don’t do it. I guess what I’m trying to say is that without constant access to entertainment and informations I use my technical devices much less, and I think it isn’t all that bad of an idea to not always have instantaneous access to everything, and instead having to be thoughtful about what you do, because the internet that you do get is rather slow. But I don’t think this should be enforced obviously, there are different people and some people can just handle that stuff much better than myself. I’m a bit of a screen junkie I have to admit, I get sucked into these screens so easily. But I found that now I am much more thoughtful about what I do and when I do it. I guess that’s all I wanted to say, in the end, “Restrictions foster Creativity” still applies.

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog post, and have a wonderful day :)